Ayekwe Community

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We build and develop for society. 😊 Explore a world of possibilities on Ayekwe – where you can discover the latest publications, uncover hidden tourism gems, and connect with like-minded individuals effortlessly. With dedicated sections for posts and pages, Ayekwe empowers you to share information, promote your business or institution, and showcase your products to a diverse audience. Join our vibrant community today and let Ayekwe be your gateway to endless opportunities! And don't forget, the site is available in English and French.

Kampala, Uganda

# Français
# Bonne nouvelle!
De nouvelles fonctionnalités ont été ajoutées à Ayekwe.

a) Nouvelle fonctionnalité : Gestionnaire de page
Si vous avez une page sur Ayekwe et que vous souhaitez que quelqu'un la gère pour vous, nous avons une excellente nouvelle ! La fonctionnalité Gestionnaire de page est désormais disponible.

b) Comment ajouter un gestionnaire de page?
1. Allez dans la liste de vos pages.
2. Cliquez sur votre page.
3. Dans les détails de la page, cliquez sur le menu et sélectionnez "Paramètres de la page."
4. Sur la page des paramètres, sélectionnez l'utilisateur que vous souhaitez ajouter en tant que gestionnaire et cliquez sur "Ajouter un gestionnaire" C'est fait !

c) Que peut faire un gestionnaire de page ?
- Modifier votre page.
- Publier en utilisant le nom de la page.
- Modifier les publications précédemment partagées sur la page.

d) Ce qu'un gestionnaire de page ne peut pas faire
Pour des raisons de sécurité, un gestionnaire de page ne peut pas supprimer la page. Seul le propriétaire de la page peut le faire.

Rejoignez Ayekwe dès aujourd'hui et profitez de cette nouvelle fonctionnalité!

# English
# Good News!
New features have been added to Ayekwe.

a) New Feature: Page Manager
If you have a page on Ayekwe and need someone to manage it, we have great news! The Page Manager feature is now available.

b) How to Add a Page Manager?
1. Go to your page list.
2. Click on your page.
3. In the page details, click on the menu and select "Page Settings."
4. On the settings page, select the user you want to add as a manager and click "Add Page Manager." Done!

c) What Can a Page Manager Do?
- Edit your page.
- Post using the page name.
- Edit any posts previously shared on the page.

d) What a Page Manager Cannot Do
For security reasons, a page manager cannot delete the page. Only the page owner can do that.

Join Ayekwe today and take advantage of this new feature!

#Ayekwe #GestionnairePage #PageManager Ayekwe image

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Here's a brief outline of the benefits of using the Ayekwe website:

1. Centralized Platform: Ayekwe serves as a centralized hub for various activities, including sharing public information, promoting businesses, showcasing products, and fostering community interaction.

2. Convenience: Users can access a wide range of features and services conveniently in one place, eliminating the need to navigate multiple platforms.

3. Promotional Opportunities: Businesses and individuals can promote their products, services, and institutions to a diverse audience, enhancing visibility and outreach.

4. Community Engagement: Ayekwe facilitates community interaction through forums, networking tools, and collaboration features, allowing users to connect and engage with like-minded individuals.

5. User-Friendly Interface: The website offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to navigate, interact, and accomplish their tasks efficiently.

6. Multilingual Support: Ayekwe is available in both English and French, catering to a diverse user base and enhancing accessibility for individuals from different linguistic backgrounds.

7. Mobile Accessibility: The platform is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring users can access Ayekwe anytime, anywhere, from their smartphones or tablets.

8. Secure Communication: Ayekwe prioritizes user privacy and security, ensuring that communications, transactions, and interactions on the platform are safe and protected.

These benefits highlight Ayekwe's versatility and value in empowering users to connect, promote, explore, and engage effectively within a dynamic online community.

#Ayekwe #ConnectWithOthers #AyekweBenefits Ayekwe image

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